What information is being acquired during the period of Quiet Eye? Comment on Vickers


  • Sérgio T. Rodrigues Department of Physical Education, State University of São Paulo
  • Martina Navarro Department of Ophthalmology, Federal University of São Paulo & Department of Physical Education, University Cruzeiro do Sul




Quiet Eye, information acquisition, posture, attention, neural networks


Sports and athletes’ highest performance offer a fascinating scenario to investigate perceptual-motor expertise. The remarkable work of Joan Vickers has captured this opportunity and built a valuable experimental paradigm. Our commentary emphasizes what information is being acquired during the period of Quiet Eye (QE), capable to produce successful performance. First, an extended notion of visual system that includes posture is presented. It is suggested that QE would represent a collective postural effort (resulting from movements of eyes, head, trunk, and whole body) to acquire the relevant information available in the optic flow. Second, the contribution of neural structures and functioning for vision and attention is discussed. Models of neural networks of attention and two visual systems are described with respect to QE and some questions about action parameters and motor programs are raised.






Target Articles Commentaries and Responses

How to Cite

Rodrigues, S. T., & Navarro, M. (2021). What information is being acquired during the period of Quiet Eye? Comment on Vickers. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 1, 112. https://doi.org/10.36950/CISS_2016.112