Reviewer acknowledgement 2021 & 2022
24 Mar 2023
Reviewer acknowledgement for the years 2021 and 2022.
The practice of peer review is to ensure the research published in Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS) is of the highest standard. Peer review lies at the heart of scholarly publishing and is utilized by all reputable journals. Our referees and section editors play a crucial role in ensuring the reputation of Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS) as a leading forum for original research in the field. Therefore, I would like to formally thank all who have so willingly and voluntarily contributed to the journal in 2021 and 2022.
Reviewers 2021
Table 1
Reviewers 2021
Balagué | Natalie | University of Barcelona | Spain |
Barral | Jérôme | University of Lausanne | Switzerland |
Blickensderfer | Elizabeth | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | United States of America |
Braksiek | Michael | University of Vechta | Germany |
Cooke | Nancy | Arizona State University | United States of America |
Dietz | Pavel | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz | Germany |
Dobell | Alexandra | University of Derby | United Kingdom |
Fahlén | Josef | Umeå University | Sweden |
Fahrner | Marcel | University of Tübingen | Germany |
Haegele | Justin | Old Dominion University | United States of America |
Heemsoth | Tim | Universität Hamburg | Germany |
Herrmann | Christian | Zurich University of Teacher Education | Switzerland |
Hinz | Matthias | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | Germany |
Klinge | Antje | Ruhr University Bochum | Germany |
Kreinbucher-Bekerle | Christoph | University of Graz | Austria |
Nigg | Claudio R. | University of Bern | Switzerland |
Reimers | Anne | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität | Germany |
Roscoe | Clare | University of Derby | United Kingdom |
Reviewers 2022
Table 2
Reviewers 2022
Altmann | Stefan | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
Armstrong | David | Western Health and Social Care Trust | United Kingdom |
Arnd | Gebel | University of Potsdam | Germany |
Beinert | Konstantin | Deutsche Hochschule für Gesundheit & Sport | Germany |
Braksiek | Michael | University of Vechta | Germany |
Charbonnet | Bryan | University of Bern | Switzerland |
Daumann | Frank | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | Germany |
Dilger | Alexander | University of Münster | Germany |
Fahrner | Michael | University of Tübingen | Germany |
Gray | Shirley | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
Held | Steffen | German Sport University Cologne | Germany |
Hollenweger | Judith | Zurich University of Teacher Education | Switzerland |
Klinge | Antje | Ruhr University Bochum | Germany |
Kramer | Rachel | University of California | United States of America |
Krieger | Claus | Universität Hamburg | Germany |
Leyhr | Daniel | University of Tübingen | Germany |
Lints | Blaine | University of South Carolina | United States of America |
Meier | Stefan | University of Vienna | Austria |
Nagel | Siegfried | University of Bern | Switzerland |
Ohl | Fabien | University of Lausanne | Switzerland |
Pawlowski | Tim | University of Tübingen | Germany |
Ringhof | Steffen | University of Freiburg | Germany |
Rode | Daniel | Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Austria |
Romann | Michael | Federal Office for Sport | Switzerland |
Schlesinger | Torsten | University of Technology Chemnitz | Germany |
Schütte | Norbert | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz | Germany |
Seelig | Harald | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Simonson | Richard | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | United States of America |
Steinberg | Claudia | German Sport University Cologne | Germany |
Strahler | Jana | University of Freiburg | Germany |
Sudeck | Gorden | University of Tübingen | Germany |
Terrien | MIchael | University of Lausanne | Switzerland |
Wälchli | Michael | University of Fribourg | Switzerland |
Würth | Sabine | Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Austria |
Reviewers 2021
Reviewers 2022