Exploring multi-level factors determining social participation of students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive physical education classes


  • Christoffer Klenk Universität Bern, Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Switzerland
  • Matthias Buser Universität Bern, Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Switzerland




SEN status, integration, barriers, multi-level modeling


Introduction The UN CRPD aims at effective participation of students with disabilities (SwD) in education (Art. 24). Reality of inclusive physical education (IPE) is different, however. In specific, social participation (SP) – a construct comprising of contacts, friendships, self-perception and acceptance (Koster et al., 2009) – has yet not been accomplished. Schluchter et al. (2024), observed that students with intellectual disabilities (SwID) show lower levels of SP, with fewer friendships, less engagement in social interactions and reduced peer acceptance compared to their non-disabled classmates. Apparently, the potential of sport for promoting SP is not a self-mechanism but is determined by factors at the individual level (e.g., athletic ability) and the class level (e.g., teachers’ competences, class climate). Although there is lively research on SP in educational contextes, the state of research lacks studies specific on IPE and determining factors. To fill this gap, this study analyses SP of SwID in IPE and its relevant factors at student and class level.

Methods The study was conducted in 104 inclusive classes (3th to 6th grade) with at least one SwID in 13 cantons in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. The sample comprises of a total of n=1.884 students of whom n=132 with ID and corresponding n=104 PE class teachers. A student’s and a teacher’s questionnaire, specifically designed for SwID, were applied. Both questionnaires were compiled of approved instruments. Multi-level-modelling (MLM) was applied to analyse the data, as it enables analysing nested data structure considering variables both at individual student’s level (L1) and variables at class level (L2). MLM was build up with SP (global value) as dependent variable and individual variables (L1) and class and teacher variables (L2) as predicting factors.

Results SwID show a significant lower level of (SP) compared to their non-disabled PE classmates. MLM uncovered that for individual variables (L1), students without ID, higher uninhibited and skilled psychomotor skills, higher social behaviour, and sport club participation show significantly higher levels of SP. For class-related variables (L2), MLM discovered that a positive class climate promotes the students’ SP. Furthermore, cross-level-effects revealed that SwID benefit in particular from a favourable class climate and teacher’s cooperation with a SEN teacher. Applying MLM is appriorate (ICC = 12.6%) and overall model fit is good with R2 increasing from the empty model (R2=.127) up to the overall modell (R2=.353).


Assuming that not the SwID, but the education system has to adapt its structures for effective participation of all students, focus for enhancing SP for teacher training should be on class-related variables, in particular how to develop a positive class climate.


Koster, M., Nakken, H., Pijl, S. J., & van Houten, E. (2009). Being part of the peer group: A literature study focusing on the social dimension of inclusion in education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13(2), 117–140. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603110701284680

Schluchter, T., Nagel, S., Valkanover, S., & Eckhart, M. (2024). Soziale Partizipation im Sportunterricht – Theoretische und empirische Annäherung an das Konstrukt bei Kindern mit und ohne kognitive Beeinträchtigung. VHNplus, 93, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.2378/vhn2024.art34d



How to Cite

Klenk, C., & Buser, M. (2025). Exploring multi-level factors determining social participation of students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive physical education classes. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 10(2), 041. https://doi.org/10.36950/2025.2ciss041